Last week Hapless Harry took his wife and kids to church for Sunday Mass. During the priest’s liturgy the collection baskets were passed around for offerings from the parishioners. So, being the generous good Catholic he was, when the usher came around with the collection basket Harry made sure to reach into his pocket and pull out a $50 bill that he placed into the basket.

At that very moment, another parishioner sitting in the pew directly behind Harry tapped him on the shoulder and handed him five $100 bills. Harry just smiled at the man, took the money and placed the $500 into the collection basket also.

But thinking about it, Harry became so impressed with the man’s generosity that he felt compelled to turn around compliment the man about his large offering to the church.

The man just smiled back and replied, “Don’t mention it my friend. After all, I saw it fall out as you reached into your pocket.”