A drunken man stumbles upon a baptism by the River Jordan. The priest is standing there dunking people's heads underwater and when they emerge, the priest would ask if they'd found Jesus.

So the drunk wanders down to the river to join in. He stands in line and when it gets to his turn, the priest dunks the man's head under the water. When he pulls the man back up, the priest then asked the man if he has found Jesus, to which the man replied no!

So the priest dunked him underwater again...but this time for a little longer. Once again the priest pulls the man up out of the water and asks if he's found Jesus, but once again the man replies no!

So the priest dunks him under a third time, only this time he kept the man underwater for a long while. When he finally pulled him back up the priest asked if he'd finally found Jesus, to which the man asked, "Are you positive this is where the guy fell in?"