Originally Posted by Evita
Originally Posted by Lana
  • Rocco
Did Rocco have to die? What would our take be as to why Rocco was killed off? It didn't morph into anything

Rocco was the only one of Michael's men who didn't return -- died on a successful job
[I am in the minority! that killing Roth need not have been a suicide mission at all. Rocco had no escape plan whatsoever]

Don't know why Rocco was killed off? True didn't morph into anything

I too reckon killing Roth need not have been a suicide mission at all.
He was like a deer caught in headlights, having no escape plans whatsoever

. I just find it odd that Roth didn’t recognize Rocco. Surely he knows one of Mikes top capos. It’s not like he was in a disguise