Originally Posted by Toodoped
Originally Posted by jace
Nice find on that photo Toodoped. There was one bombing by federal agents that almost killed Bill Bonanno's children. He said in his book that when he saw the car driving away he noticed a woman in it, and that is when he knew for certain it was not the mafia doing the bombings.

Thanks and thats the one alright, and yeah the Mafia knew that there was some outside player in the whole scheme, which in the end it turned out to be an FBI agent who was later protected by Hoover, personally. Some speculate that the whole situation was just another FBI secret operation, just to ignite internal war within the Mafia, similar as operation hoodwinked and the lockstep program.

I agree, plus there was a campaign to convince Americans, and more specifically the people of Arizona, the they were going to be taken over by the mafia and have bombings breaking out all over the state due to Bonanno moving there. It seems strange now, but back then they had people believing it.

Thanks for putting all your articles and insights up without a paywall.