Gratteri: «The web has allowed the Camorra to create an online bank»
by Marco Politano 4 April 2024i n Current NewsReading time: 1 minute

The prosecutor: «We only managed to seize 2 billion»
«An ndrangheta family hired German and Romanian hackers to make financial transactions within 20 minutes in banks located on 3 different continents». This is one of the results of the investigations into the dark web, conducted by the Prosecutor of the Republic of Naples Nicola Gratteri, today at the UN in New York to present the report of the Magna Grecia Foundation on Cyber ??crime. The prosecutor illustrated various examples of cyber crime in action also in Italy.

«In Naples I saw how the Camorra was able to build an online bank which involved countries such as Lithuania and Latvia and with 6,000 customers between Lombardy, Lazio and Campania and laundered something like 3 billion and 600 million euros, of which we only managed to seize 2 billion" explained Gratteri, adding that within the bank a "very sophisticated technology of Israeli production was used that only the most advanced police can afford, because just one of these software costs 5 million euros »

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