Originally Posted by Brovelli
This is all true and some of these guys lap up the attention. But considering most guys are well documented publicly about who they are, anyone who can go to a restaurant or wherever and be unknown must be a good thing. Unless they want the attention

Imagine Barney everywhere he goes someone is gonna recognize him and be whispering, must be such a fucking nuisance lol

Most nice restaurants (as you are probably aware) have a couple private dining rooms and an entrance that the general public never uses. I imagine when Barney goes out to eat, they allow him to come through a special set of doors that is only reserved for employees. If he doesn't want to be seen he won't be.

Funny story I would like to share...

My father was out to eat at a nice establishment in the city and this crazy bitch was stalking him. As he was sitting down to dinner with his wife, the bitch found him and started knocking on the window. My father didn't have any plans that night to eat in some private room, but it ended up that way. The owner saw what happened to him and found him a secret spot where he wouldn't be bothered again. The security escorted the psycho off the premises and told her if she comes back she would be arrested. Luckily she listened.

There's always a secret hideaway they can place people in if necessary when out to eat.

Last edited by RushStreet; 03/19/24 04:40 PM.