i believe he is a member of trois rivieres. i have heard he could have switched to mtl. i cannot recall where or what article. i do remember the ref in 2018 to him patching over to ottawa nomads chapter but as far as that info goes it ended in 2018 or shortly there after. there has been no good evidence in 6 yrs now that lock has anything to do with ottawa. in 2021 proj. pouboire steve collard was arrested and charged with being a trois rivieres prospect in charge of a drug network in drummondville area. he was sentenced oct.26 2022 to 42 mths in prison. collard was getting cocaine from jean paul ramsay with his son jessy ramsay-koch acting as middle man. so i think we can rule out collards connection to ottawa. as far as lock i guess i will rule out the mtl chapter. if lock is operating in ottawa it is completely under the radar.