The Ciarellis' agreement with the mafia to block the Casalesi's aims in Latina

From the revelations of the collaborators emerges the close agreement with the Sicilian Lo Piccolo clan to maintain control of illicit activities in the capital

The criminal fame of the Ciarelli family went beyond the borders of the Pontine capital, reaching as far as Sicily . According to the revelations of one of the collaborators of justice, in fact, the Campo Boario group had even managed to make an agreement with the Lo Piccolo clan to face and block the expansion of the Casalesi in Latina.

In 1996 the latter had tried to reach an agreement through Ettore Mendico who had shown up at Carmine Ciarelli's house through Matteo Baldascini in Latina who had given support to the Casalesi. The objective was for the Campo Boario group to ally themselves with Francesco Schiavone's clan who had designs on the Pontine capital. This proposal was not accepted and Fur and Luigi Ciarelli, again according to Renato Pugliese's story, went to Borgo Carso, where Baldascini lived to intimidate him: they fired an entire magazine in an attempt to kill him but failed. Then they even went to denounce the Casalesi.

In the meantime, Carmine Ciarelli asked for the intercession of the Lo Piccolo mafia family of Palermo to block the expansionist aims of the Casalesi on the Pontine territory, a mediation which was successful. β€œThe Ciarelli family – the repentant told the DDA magistrates – gave hospitality in Latina for about a year to two fugitives from the family in 1994 or 1995”.

This alliance shows, according to investigators, how the Ciarelli family was also considered and respected by other clans so much so that they managed "to maintain control of the city compared to the attempt of other mafia groups to swallow up the territory, monopolizing its illicit activities".