“Respect Your Elders”

An old man was sitting by himself, having breakfast at a diner, when three scruffy outlaw bikers walked in.

Noticing him sitting there, they immediately walked over to the old guy. The first biker, staring the old man down intently, stuck his lit cigarette directly into the old man’s scrambled eggs.

The second outlaw biker then spit out his chew tobacco right into the old man’s coffee cup.

Seeing his buddies actions, the third biker then joined in by taking the old guy’s plate of bacon and eggs and shoved it completely off the table, smashing the plate all over the floor.

The old man, without ever looking up or saying so much as a single word, got up out of his seat, payed the waitress, and then exited the diner without ever looking back at his antagonists.

The three biker buddies just looked at one another, laughed out loud, and then sat down at the old man’s table.

Commenting to the waitress and everybody within earshot eating at other tables, the lead biker sarcastically remarked, “Not much of a man, is he?”

Turning her gaze from the diner window, the waitress quickly replied back to him, “Looks like he’s not much of a driver either. That man just drove his 18-wheeler over three motorcycles.”

Happy Saturday GBB!