i did not watch any of the vids. not because they are by burnstein just not my thing. if i'm watching youtube it has to be old allman bros feat brother duane or gg allin just for a goof. back to mtl, unless i missed something the HA are already and have been for awhile the most powerful crime group in quebec and all of canada. clearly they dont yet have total control of montreal and laval and more specifically ' THE BOOK'. i'm curious as well in the more recent lapresse and jdm articles concerning this war there is a ref to something happening in 2022 that brought all this on. the 2 sides had a falling out over the book/gambling in 2022. i dont think it was the 1st attempt on del balso in november had to have been something else earlier. easy guess is over money. martin robert appears to have invested money into the book. perhaps he thought he was not getting his share? perhaps del balso got in his ear about taking full control of all gambling? none the less 2022 was an interesting year.