Before Appalachian, all bosses went to Sicily or Italian every few years to meet with heads of the local families. Cleveland members, Joe Lonardo, Frank Milano, Al Polizzi, John Scalish, Detroit Members Salvatore Catalanotte, Bill Tocco, Joe Zerilli, Pittsburgh members Stefano Monastero, Frank Amato, and John LaRocca are some of the many. After Appalachian, the bosses cut back, but it was more of the he was born and grew up in Italy they meet with the other bosses from Sicily and Italy. Underbosses and Consiglieres, Capos, and soldiers also meet with their cousins, and usually served as an emissary so as not expose the connections, even using retired members and former administration members. After Appalachian, Bosses still meet with their cousins, examples include Joe Bonanno, Joe Profaci, Joe Zerilli, Stefano Magaddino, Joe Cerrito, John Scalish, John LaRocca, Carlo Gambino, but they lost alot of face with the Appalachian fiasco.

"I have this Nightmare. I'm on 5th avenue watching the St. Patrick's Day parade and I have a coronary and nine thousand cops march happily over my body." Chief Sidney Green