Sure thing Lou Nobody [except us!] "including Fredo, expected Mike to beat the Senate Committee" and "Fredo, like pretty much everybody, figured that Five Angels would bury Mike"

Everybody even Tom "thinking Mike was going to jail"
Neri: The FBI has him [Pentangeli] air-tight -- he's on an army base twenty-four hour guards
Tom: No way we can get to him. If we don't it's up to five counts of perjury
Roth well he -- he played this one beautifully

  • Fredo had plenty to lose arguably the Donship itself Fredo so coveted
That's why Fredo withheld the information “he knew until after Michael perjured himself" [even though it made no difference whatsoever to Michael's defense]

Michael already knew “Alive -- Pentangeli is alive" before Michael went to talk to Fredo

Fredo also showed his true colors, Fredo did take a shot at Mike

Was Michael bloodthirsty?
Originally Posted by Evita
Michael made the decision in the heat of the moment immediately after Fredo's Boathouse outburst but no doubt he could have been spared as we debated in various threads that he could have continued to keep him under watch same as until Mama died

Did they have to die?
Originally Posted by Lana
Still Michael could have easily continued the same arrangements of keeping Fredo under watch or similar until Mama Corleone's natural death. He had the money and the resources Besides if Mama had lived longer....