Large catch of ketamine in Heerhugowaard
Published on: 08-12-2023 | 16:06
Dijk en Waard - After a drug lab was discovered on Einsteinstraat in Heerhugowaard thanks to research by the Northern Netherlands unit, it turned out to be hit again further down the street yesterday.

The area continued to receive the attention of the municipality and colleagues from the Heerhugowaard base team. During an integrated inspection by the municipality, police and environmental service, almost 100 kilos of Ketamine and hemp buds were found in a business premises. The street value of the ketamine is estimated at more than 2 million euros. One arrest has been made. Possible links between the two cases are now being investigated.

Mayor Van Dijk en Waard, Maarten Poorter: "It is clear that we tackle subversion and criminal activities seriously. We also make these company visits based on signals. We have good contact with many entrepreneurs and support this approach. Ultimately, it is in everyone's interest to nip subversion in the bud."

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