California police commander Joe Conroy (Sterling Hayden) sets his sights on Al Willis (Gene Barry), a seemingly respectable, church-going family man with anger management issues, as the prime suspecst in the killing of three cops. After roughing up Willis, Conroy is fired for "police brutalitiy," but he keeps after Willis, following him to a border town where he leads a double life: head of a hijacking ring and keeper of Marianna (Gloria Grahame), his mistress. Willis gets violent with her, sending her into Conroy's arms. They try to bring him back to his hometown for justice but the cops are after Conroy as well. Bullets fly at the end. Crime Does Not Pay. Despite the title having nothing to do with the movie, script holes and low budget, this is still a trim little film noir. I will watch anything with Hayden, who satisfies here as both his usual tough guy, and vulnerable after being rolled by a border town heavy and being kind to Marianna. Grahame gives a good performance--her hard edge tempered by fear of Willis. Barry is memorable. He's usually a one-note actor but he makes a very convincing violent and resourceful bad guy--wouldn't want to run up against him anywhere. Good watch.

Ntra la porta tua lu sangu � sparsu,
E nun me mporta si ce muoru accisu...
E s'iddu muoru e vaju mparadisu
Si nun ce truovo a ttia, mancu ce trasu.