i have a question for those in the know. why was it that when martin daze and the 16 other members of his drug network were arrested this past june was giuseppe focarazzos name not even mentioned. both la presse and j.d.m. articles in the past had led us to believe focarazzo and daze as well as frederic lavie were close associates. and this may very well be true. however throughout the multi year investigation from some point in 2020 when it began through a major 100kg cocaine seizure in nov 2021 and subsequent searches of private residences in mar 2022 in montreal and laval areas, focarazzos name never comes up. i find that odd and perhaps as usual i likely am reading too much into this. the article from the june bust clearly states a connection to the lebanese mafia and HA of the south chapter. no mention of dazes alleged connection to focarazzo. also nothing recntly about focarazzo links him to any specific HA chapter or for that matter a defined mafia clan. what most info about him seems to indicate is that he has been involved in financial fraud and money laundering.