The revelations of hitman Frédérick Silva could help elucidate around fifty murders, including that of Jean-Raymond Claude

The searches carried out Tuesday on a body of water in the Laurentians, in search of the remains of a Montreal gangster, target the first of at least fifty murder contracts that the police hope to elucidate thanks to the collaboration of a hitman .

This relaunch of the investigation into the mysterious disappearance in 2015 of Jean-Raymond Claude, a founding member of the 67 street gang who has already been involved with the Hells Angels and the mafia, would be made possible because of the confidences given by Frédérick Silva since that he agreed to sit down with the police last year .

The revelations of this “modern-day Gérald Gallant”, who would have worked on behalf of the Rizzuto clan, the Hells and other factions of organized crime, could allow the Sûreté du Québec (SQ) and the Montreal police ( SPVM) to resolve more than 50 assassinations and murder plots still unpunished, according to sources from our Bureau of Investigation and the QMI Agency.

The alleged murder of Jean-Raymond Claude, which dates back eight and a half years, would be the first in this long list to give rise to a police operation like that of Tuesday.