Here is an article from a gang member from Montreal-North. He’s talking about the push made by the BMF from Montreal against the HAs.

I remember those time, you could see the tension in Montreal downtown bars and clubs.

General and his friends are looking at Saint-Denis Street, an important artery in Montreal, to expand their territory. "We knew that the street belonged to bikers. We went there at 20 to attract their attention, to show that we were there.

We were selling our drugs. Until the boss of the neighborhood sees us. So, we confronted him. And usually, there are not many people to oppose him." The group uses a cameo to call its supplier and wait for his arrival. They tied him down and called his boss in front of the hostage. "If the boss did not want to give up his territory, we conveyed our message by beating his pusher."

General has no emotion, when he tells this part of his life. For him, it's business as usual. "We were typing everyone. We didn't care if they had patches. We were a gang, too. We typed two or three of their guys. They said ok, but don't touch Saint-Laurent Street. You would abuse. They are warriors, the bikers, "he says with respect.

General and his group, in addition to their expansionist aims, must protect what they control. What they did to bikers, on St-Denis, others imitate them to steal what they own.