A cute but elderly couple, both in their 80s, paid a visit to a sex therapist. The therapist warmly greeted them, saying, “You two make such a lovely couple. How can I assist you?”

The old man responded, “Do you mind watching us have intercourse?” After a brief moment of contemplation, the therapist agreed, seeing no harm in the matter.

Once the couple finished their intimate session, the therapist gave them her evaluation, saying, “Your lovemaking was perfectly normal. And I see no issues with either of your performances.” With a friendly smile, she then charged them her regular $70 consultation fee and wished them a pleasant day.

To her surprise, the elderly couple returned the very next week and repeated the same routine. In fact, this process continued every Wednesday for the next six weeks straight. Each time, they would arrive, engage in their intimate act in front of the therapist, pay the fee, and then leave.

After their sixth visit the therapist couldn’t contain her curiosity any longer, so she asked, “May I ask one question? Why do you guys keep making appointments to see me? Especially since I never find anything to help improve your lovemaking habits.”

Without missing a beat, the old man explained, “Well, you see doctor, we can’t do it at my place because my wife is always home, and we can’t do it at her place because her nosy husband is always there. And even the cheapest motels still charge at least $130 a night. So at only $70, coming here is a bargain!"

ButtonGuys hopes everyone on the forum enjoys the day.

Last edited by NYMafia; 08/30/23 05:52 AM.