Monday Madness...Finally, some answers to questions that have been pondered through the ages...

Q: What do horses say when they fall?

A: Help, I’ve fallen and I can’t giddy up.

Q: Why can’t you trust duck doctors?

A: Because they’re all quacks.


Q: Why do certain restaurants hire pigs?

A: Because they're good at bacon.

Q: Why wouldn’t the sesame seed leave the casino?

A: He was on a roll.

Marine biologists have discovered that fish actually attend 'class' each day to learn things. (you've heard about "schools of fish," right?). Yet, scientists claim fish have very poor grades. The biologists report its below sea level.


And then there's this poor fellow...

Did you hear about the guy who got hit by the very same bike rider every morning? Yeah, It was a vicious cycle.


Well fellas, 4th of July is right around the corner...So I hope that everyone has got their sparklers, firecrackers and rockets at the ready. And for that matter, your frankfurters, hamburgers, corn on the cob, watermelon, and what ever else floats your boat too! Lol (and don't forget the matches and mustard either)