How does Kevin Rochebrun being at Francesco Del Balso's funeral put to rest theories that Marco Pizzi and Davide Barberio were involved in Francesco Del Balso's plot to take out Leonardo Rizzuto?

You're probably right that Marco Pizzi and Davide Barberio aren't involved because the hit was so poorly planned with Francesco Del Balso renting the posches himself. This was probably Francesco Del Balso's idiotic plan for revenge and to get Hells Angels blessing he offered the sportsbook he thought he'd control afte rmurdering Leonardo Rizzuto. But what do we think the attacks targeting Marco Pizzi and Davide Barberio are then? It can't be a coincidence that their businesses were suddenly targeted after Leonardo Rizzuto was shot and are still being targeted. Maybe it's because of their association with Francesco Del Balso.