A quick joke for the day!
The FBI was conducting round-the-clock surveillance on a suspected Mafia soldier named Vito, so the boss of his Family provided him with a phony legitimate job as a welder as a cover for his illicit racket activities. The boss told Vito to report to this job daily, in the hope it would throw the FBI Agents off his trial.

One day while at work, although he had no experience at welding and didn't even have to do any work, Vito decided to try his hand at welding. But he soon screwed up and accidentally welded two crucifixes together. He tried keeping this sacrilege under wraps, but Vito's boss found out anyway.

The boss was said to be infuriated by Vito's double cross.

Last edited by NYMafia; 06/08/23 05:46 AM.