the above article about street gang fraud is very revealing. for one the extent and money involved is equal to or greater than slinging dope. there is no comparing the risk level that is for sure. the revealing part is the now...and probably for a few years, total lack of leadership or control by senior gang members. whether BLUES OR REDS it doesnt seem to matter. in this disarray it is easy to understand the seemingly random shootings over nothing more than bad rap videos. there doesnt appear to be any clear overall leader or set alliances since the break up of MAFIA/HA/WOOLLEY ALLIANCE in 2015. woolley himself is no longer mentioned as being among leaders of OC anymore and the shootings at or near his residence would show as much. furthermore all this makes it even more difficult to figure out which street gang sets are being used in the most recent arsons and shootings. whewwwwww. those groups using street gangs for work most likely appreciate this confusion.