A Few Thursday Giggles...

Did you hear about the guy who had a family dog named Cigarette?

Unfortunately, the dog was born without any legs. But his owner loved him so, that every night after dinner, the guy would take him out front for a drag.

...One more joke for the Gipper, ok fellas?

Fatso Fogarty had gotten so fat over the years that he was now tilting the scales at over 400 pounds, and his health was starting to really suffer. Many members of his immediate family were obese as well and he feared that maybe it runs in his bloodline. So he decided to get an expert opinion about his condition. He went to see Dr. Ubatz.

When Fatso was finally called into the doctors examination room he immediately asked the physician if obesity ran in his family.

Dr. Ubatz only had to take one look at him and then replied, "Mr Fogarty, the problem isn't that obesity runs in your family." "The problem is that nobody runs in your family!"

Hope everybody enjoys their day!