Yeah lots of sensationalist bs in that article. Very poorly researched and it's clear that the writer of that article has never come across anyone involved in the Netherlands- and Belgium-based drug trade. There is no "Mocro Maffia" and there sure as hell is no big "Moroccan cartel". There are families and traffickers based in the Netherland and Belgium that are active in the cocaine trade that are of Moroccan descent. And there's a myriad of different alliances between some of these families and other groups based in the Netherlands and Belgium. And these alliances are constantly shifting.

Based in the Netherlands you have a few Moroccan crime families in Utrecht/Amsterdam, Rotterdam and The Hague. You also have some old school Dutch crime bosses from the Utrecht/Amsterdam region and the Rotterdam/Schiedam area. There are a few major Surinamese drug traffickers as well as a very prominent transnational drug trafficking gang based in CuraƧao. Last but not least you have about 15 family-based networks from the Dutch "Traveller" underworld based in North Brabant and The Hague. On top of that you have those connected to the biker environment (even though the Hells Angels and Satudarah are officially banned, they're still around unofficially).
In Belgium you have a few families of Moroccan origin and a huge Assyrian clan (originally from Southeast Turkey), all of them based in Antwerp.

Of course there are also a lot of international criminal organizations that have set up shop in the Netherlands and Belgium and are active in the cocaine trade as well: Ndrangheta (especially in Limburg), Camorra, Sicilian mafia (especially in Liege), Albanian clans, Serbian/Montenegrin clans, Turkish and Kurdish clans, Irish/British/Scottish organized crime groups...all have their hideouts in the Netherlands as well as Belgium and have used the ports of Antwerp and Rotterdam to bring in huge shipments of cocaine. Often in cooperation with groups that are based in the Low Countries.

There's no "Moroccan cartel" and there's no stable "super cartel" either; there's just a myriad of cooperations between Netherlands/Belgium-based networks (of different backgrounds) and international networks (also of different backgrounds).