Originally Posted by Toodoped
Originally Posted by Hollander
We also should not underrate the role of J. Edgar Hoover, who denied the existence of the Mafia till 1957, while the FBI knew of the Havana Conference in 1946 and other big meetings.

Hoover is a whole different mistery. There are lots of myths surrounding his life and work, but there are also more than few unanswered questions. The biggest laugh I had regarding this situation was when the FBI arrested and labelled a band of Sicilian Mafiosi from the early 1930s as "Sicilian communists" Lol

Wasn't Hoover a huge gambler in his time? I love how everyone that was a little different in the 40s or 50s was a communist, thats great stuff. I also love how the mafia was like as Tony Soprano told his family, "its the 1990's out there but in here its 1954!!!" They have their code throughout all of the times and before the big FBI government crackdowns in the 90s loved the US and the government