No doubt personal and business too. How can it not be a strong personal element for Michael? After Mac broke his jaw, and Sollozzo, bodyguarded by Mac, keeps trying to kill his father

True Vito didn't know it was Michael who had killed Sol and Mac until he returned home from the hospital

True Sonny and Tom didn't ask Michael to kill So and Mac-- Michael volunteered to kill them--he wanted to kill them, to save his father's life. The novel also tells us He really had to go, his bowels were loose

I too reckon, there was no other [viable] scenario” they can't wait, because Sollozzo was going to kill Vito ("That's the key for him.")

Originally Posted by Lana
Second: Donship
Sure thing Michael could have refused the Donship Then again, Michael's loving father and family man Vito never should have put - never wanted this for you son - who “saved [Vito's] life. And paid a heavy price:” in that position

Vito “chooses [Michael] to become the Don, setting in motion Tessio’s betrayal, the Great Massacre of 1955”

carried out as per Vito's counselled strategy after his death and renouncing Satan -- after the Baptism massacre, he was living a "legitimate" life and public Benefactor

The "machinegun attack" was Roth not the rackets