Originally Posted by Turnbull
I'd like to come at this from a slightly different angle:

In the boathouse, Frredo told Michael: "Johnny Ola bumped into me in Beverly Hills -- and he said that he wanted to talk -- he said that you and -- and -- Roth were in on a -- a -- big deal together. And that there was something in it for me if I'd help 'em out. He said that -- he said that -- you were bein' tough on the negotiations. But if they could get a little help -- and close the deal fast -- it'd be good for the family."

"A little help"? Fredo wasn't part of the Havana deal and Michael had no reason to tell him anyrhing about it--he even kept Tom out of the negotiations. Same for Ola: Why would he need to tell Fredo anything more than that Roth and Michael were negotiating "a big deal"? Even if Fredo had overheard or inferred something about Michael and Havana, and if he put that together with Ola's tale, he still couold not have had any details that would have been useful to Roth. So, what kind of "help" could he have given Ola?
My take, for what it is worth!

I believe, Roth and Ola knew / would have known -
  • "Fredo wasn't part of the Havana deal" and couldn't pass on any inside information -- Roth didn't need any!
Because -
  • Roth was the Pied piper! beating the drums! calling the tune!
  • Roth already had the Havana business
  • so much money was at stake for Michael not Roth
  • Roth had Michael believing Michael was Roth's son -- Roth's successor -- Roth's heir apparent

My take, neither Roth nor Ola were after any information from Fredo at all whether it be the Havana deal or Pentangeli-Rosatos meeting because I believe, both Roth and Ola knew / would have known, Fredo didn't / wouldn't have any -- Roth didn't need any!

It seems to me Fredo's "little help" was opening the drapes which is the only viable help that I can see Fredo [needed to] pulling off that is useful.... not different to your [previous] train of thought

All Roth wanted, Michael dead and for Roth to continue living his retired investor on a pension!