Originally Posted by Giacalone
Originally Posted by NYMafia
Originally Posted by Giacalone
Originally Posted by Hollander
So Calisi is a captain, but lives in Boca Raton, FL, how does that work? Did he use an acting capo in NY or had he a crew in Florida?

Not necessarily. He's probably got Boca listed as his primary residence for tax purposes. A lot of shady high rollers who hate the government do this lol

Thats not an uncommon thing to do. Even amongst legitimate people. In fact, it's been quite commonplace for many decades already. People register their cars in Florida also, because of the lower insurance rates compared to a place like NY or NJ. So for their annual income taxes, (if I'm not mistaken), there's no city and/or state tax in Florida. If they have dual residences, it pays for them to declare Florida as their home state. (I'm speaking about regular people here).

I agree, but if you spend most of your time in a different state then you're playing a game you could lose. You will probably be alright, but I'm not taking that chance. The IRS has put a lot of good people in jail

Asset protection 101:

One of the reasons that so many CEOs, celebrities, sports stars, and Gangsters buy a home in Florida is due to taxes. People who make Florida their primary home can substantially reduce their property taxes via the Florida homestead exemption. Also, a homestead property is exempt from creditors' lawsuits under Article X, Section 4 of the Florida Constitution. In other words, creditors cannot force people to sell their homes to satisfy judgments. The exemption does not have a monetary limit meaning you can buy a 50 million dollar home claim it as your homestead home and no one can ever take your property from you if you were to get sued or issued a judgement.

Thus, Floridians can invest millions of dollars in their homes and be fully protected. This doesn't just apply to single-family homes. Florida courts have also granted homestead protection to condominiums, manufactured homes, and mobile homes.