Sure thing the fact remains “He betrayed his brother for personal gain” indeed and Fredo continued trying to harm and injure Michael

Originally Posted by Evita
If he had volunteered the information he knew about the Senate hearing even after his betrayal then "redeeming feature." perhaps could give him the benefit of the doubt but he cunningly withheld it, for Michael to commit perjury and sent to prison

Fredo telling Michael about Questadt was painful to watch like pulling teeth
Fredo: I haven't got a lot to say Mike I was kept pretty much in the dark I didn't know all that much [yeah right]
Michael: What about now Is there anything you can help me out with Anything you can tell me now
Fredo: They've got Pentangeli that's all I can tell you
After Fredo's outburst
Michael: Is there -- you can tell me about this investigation?
Fredo: The Senate Lawyer Questadt -- he belongs to Roth [finally]