Originally Posted by Evita
No doubt He betrayed his brother for personal gain. What did Fredo think was going to happen?

How about the fact that he gave information to the Family's adversaries, opened the drapes to Michael and Kay's bedrooom, who used it to attempt the hit?

Then when Michael survived the Tahoe shooting, he deliberately and deceitfully concealed the Senate hearing and cunningly withheld the information he knew, for Michael to commit perjury because he can only get the Donship if he was dead or sent to prison

Let’s be honest Michael initially did give him a pass “I know he's scared -- tell him everything's all right. Tell him I know Roth misled him -- and he didn't know they were planing to kill me.”

Fredo's outburst in the boathouse revealed
1. the depth of his resentment toward his brother.
2. his jealousy, simmering anger at being stepped over
3. the extent of his deeper involvement with Roth against his brother
Excellent, Movie fact-based analysis, Evita - Factual, Insightful Right again! Credit where credit is due....Fair's Fair

Sure thing “Let’s be honest Michael initially did give him [Fredo] a pass” until Fredo's full extent of Fredo's deeper involvement with Roth against his kid brother and treachery were revealed in Fredo's outburst in the boathouse
Michael to Tom at the Desert Inn: I know he's scared -- tell him everything's all right.
Tell him I know Roth misled him -- and he didn't know they were planning to kill me.

The Donship any role how important, nothing but the Donship would have sufficed for Fredo as we saw during Fredo's boathouse outburst The only way this could happen is if the current Don, Michael was dead or sent to prison

Ironically, Fredo would have had no problem taking care of some Mickey Mouse night club somewhere! getting slapped around in public by Greene It was the stepped over for his kid brother that got Fredo mad and all fired up....