Originally Posted by Liggio
Mostly, all prison gangs are racist, but only the white prison gangs are called so. Prison, especially in the south and out west (I think the East Coast is different) is an extremely racist, segregated place. That's just how it is.

Once again, you are correct Liggio. ALL prison gangs are racist in nature. Especially by the very fact that prisons, ALL prisons, are segregated along racial divides.

Blacks stay with their own. So do Hispanics. And Whites, who are ALWAYS tremendously outnumbered in any prison setting, do the same. If only out of a self-survival mode. There is strength in numbers, and although outnumbered 30-40 to 1, if you get a gang "tip" of 20-30 like minded individuals together who watch one another's back, that's powerful.

Inmates are generally predatory by nature, and will pounce on anybody who is singled out as a sucker or as a mark. So everyone needs to have a few friends in there. And although state joints are the worst and this problem is more pervasive in local and state lockups, the federal system isn't that much better, especially maximum security joints like Atlanta, Lewisburg, Leavenworth, etc.