Originally Posted by Evita
Originally Posted by Capri
He got no fatherly love fatherly guidance fatherly responsibility Great Mafia King but no father

Extracts: I reckon, the Great Mafia King neglected his blood family, leaving all sorts of needless problems behind

He was left rudderless, resulting him turning traitor for his kid brother's murder, to be Don
"How did things ever get so far? I don't know -- It was so -- unfortunate -- so unnecessary"....

Fredo "turning traitor for his kid brother's murder, to be Don" and Michael killing Fredo

The more we discuss the Great King Vito, the more I am baffled how Vito is fĂȘted as the family man
Vito was instrumental, contributed and caused the misery of every one of his children to their gloom and doom including the violent deaths of Santino and Fredo Thanks! Pop