Originally Posted by Irishman12

13 years later we're given the sequel I'm not quite sure anyone asked for; however, I'm not willing to bet against James Cameron. AVATAR set the bar for beautiful and enticing visual effects and this raises that bar even higher. I saw this in IMAX 3D and there were times I actually felt like I was in the movie because the action is so intimate. With saying all of that and once the visual eye candy subsides, the story is mostly average and bloated. Yes, James Cameron doesn't want to hear about the runtime but you're going to hear about it. The story could and should have been trimmed as it felt at times a labor to get through. Sigourney Weaver is wonderfully incorporated back into the story after the events of the original and typical Cameron, there are moments that pull at your heartstrings. So far the reviews seem positive and the money's already rolling in and I'll continue to see further additions in the franchise but as was the case with this, do we really need more and did anyone ask for them? I will say if you plan on seeing this, spend the money and see it in IMAX 3D! 7/10

Thanks for this review 7/10 is not really high how did you rate the first Avatar?

"The king is dead, long live the king!"