Originally Posted by Evita
Originally Posted by JCrusher
You have to remember Mike had no idea about Questadt. I think Mikes ego was big enough that he felt he could beat the Senate hearing which is why he didn’t take the 5th. However once he found out that Roth had a senate lawyer in his pocket Mike knew he would lose unless he took drastic measures

He did beat the Senate hearing!
You have to remember Michael was always too smart to let Roth beat him

Knowing or not knowing about Questadt made no difference whatsoever to Mike's defense Good or Bad He was so ineffective anyway
1. He couldn't stop the Chairman allowing Mr. Corleone to read his statement -- I'll put it in the record.
2. Pentangeli under oath, made him look ridiculous!
3. He stood in the courtroom like a fool

He had already taken the necessary measures by bringing Frankie's brother over
There was no need for him to take any further measures drastic or otherwise And he didn't lose

True Turnbull we debated in Rocco linked to Michael and various other threads: why Michael didn't, couldn't, in fact never could take the Fifth and never would have Questadt or no Questadt

Fredo telling Mike about Questadt eventually, only confirmed in no uncertain terms how he was in deeper with Roth against his own kid brother than he was letting on
1. I haven't got a lot to say Mike.
2. I was kept pretty much in the dark.
3. I didn't know all that much.

Again, it made no difference whatsoever to Mike's defense Good or Bad

. Agree to Disagree