Originally Posted by Iceveins
I had no idea The Shower posse still existed in Jamaica let alone in Canada.

They were still around after Dudus Coke was convicted in the US in 2012. He is now held at Fort Dix, New Jersey with a release date of 25 January 2030.

The disappearance of the big bosses has given rise to a phenomenon of smaller aggregations that traffic on the local market, headed by the ‘Corner Dons’, small bosses who make the balance of power even more fluid and, consequently, less manageable.
However, some of the historical aggregations remain standing and well rooted in the territories to which they belong.
Among these there is One Order, present predominantly in Spanish Town and strongly supported by the JLP which is opposed by Klansman, which is the garrison of the PNP.
The group also has branches abroad and in particular in New York, Toronto, and London.

"The king is dead, long live the king!"