Outside the Church after the baptism
Michael: Carlo -- can't go to Vegas Something's come up Everybody's going to leave without us
Connie: Oh, Mike -- it's our first vacation together
Carlo: Hey Connie, please [Note: not! “Hey shut up, Connie, when Sonny's [Michael] talking...”

Doesn't Kay “Read the papers -- read the papers!” That Newspaper must be at least a couple of days old!!

Connie to Kay: Why do you think he kept Carlo at the mall? All the time he knew he was gonna kill him
Maybe I am misunderstanding but it seems to me, too that "she [Connie] had gone ahead and was already in Vegas"
ie: Connie was not with Carlo in New York

Besides Michael's right hand man in Nevada! - wasn't Carlo phoning his mistress? when Michael walked in