Originally Posted by Lana
Originally Posted by lucab19
Originally Posted by Evita

Would they make Carlo still answer for Santino

Nothing could stop Carlo from having to answer for Sonny.

Even in this re-imagined Corleone world, with Michael having gone legitimate, I reckon he would do it himself
Sure thing Carlo was always a dead man however keeping Carlo close / closer, without raising any suspicions until Vito's death, to answer for Santino, would have been no easy, almost impossible task

It was always going to be Michael's job to get Carlo to answer for Santino because Nice! Guy Vito would never do it himself
Vito left it for Michael to be the “lousy cold-hearted bastard” and make his daughter a widow Thanks! Pop

No doubt Nice! Guy Vito wouldn't want his daughter to think he is “lousy cold-hearted bastard” but okay for her brother