Originally Posted by mustachepete
The dialogue referenced above is in the movie. Another Fredo-Deanna confrontation was deleted:

Fredo and Deanna arrive at Anthony's party

Originally Posted by Evita
Deanna Mystery! why did she marry Fredo

I don't think we know much about Deanna. There's a Deanna in the novel, but this doesn't seem like her. She seems more like Johnny's second wife. Failed starlet? Aging call girl?

Originally Posted by Lana
How did Deanna know who Rocco was / his name?!

She should know him - he was in the family before she was
  • Deanna
New question! Why did Fredo marry Deanna?

Thanks for the link Pete This deleted scene is worse than I remembered!

Why humiliate Fredo in every turn including not a real man insult and in front of so many people at his brother's - the Head of the family - house too Guests and Staff and all

It looked like it was Deanna's first visit to Tahoe?
You could be right though Only Merle and Deanna were introduced, others seem to know Fredo's bride! especially Carmela looked thrilled! to see her daughter-in-law, Deanna