Originally Posted by Evita
Extract: Deanna
Mystery! why did she marry Fredo

  • Deanna
Mystery! indeed

I seem to recall there was a deleted scene of Fredo and Deanna arriving for Anthony's party in which Deanna was taunting Fredo because Fredo didn't want Michael to see Deanna's indecorous behaviour or similar

Deanna: What's the matter? I just, I just want to dance!
Fredo: Dancing is one thing -- you're fallin' all over the floor
Deanna: I know what's the matter with you - you're just jealous because he's a real man
Fredo: I swear to God, Deanna, I'm gonna belt you right in the cheek
Deanna: Ah, you couldn't belt your Mama You know something, those daigos are crazy when it comes to their wives
[Rocco walks up to Fredo]
Rocco: Michael says that if you can't take care of this -- I have to
Fredo: Maybe you better
Deanna: Never marry a WOP! they treat their wives like shit!
[Rocco runs over and grabs Deanna]
Deanna: I didn't mean to say WOP Ahh, Ahh woo! Rocco! Oh! What are you doing to me -- help – Fredo!....
How did Deanna know who Rocco was / his name?!