Serving as an unofficial quasi-sequel to DRACULA, Mina (Kate Bosworth) is picked up by Hap (Justin Long) at a local bar. Offering her a ride home, Hap thinks he's going to score with the beautiful young lady. However, things are not as they seem when they arrive back at her place. 2 opening shots make for a beautiful tribute to Dracula films of the past and Kate Bosworth is quite the seductive vixen playing Mina (in fact, Hap describes her as a bunny at one point during the film). Outside of those compliments, this was actually a bit of a bore. Exhaustively long scenes where the dialogue talks around in circles with very little advancement. The same happens later on in the film when Hap meets Lucy (Gia Crovatin), who gives another wonderful performance in the film, but is relegated to the same doldrums as Mina was previously. All of this builds to an ending the audience was already there within the first 5 minutes of the opening credits. Disappointing as the trailer seemed to offer more. 5/10