All this begs a question: Was Michael a natural-born criminal? "A man has but one destiny," Vito said in the novel (about Sonny). Was Michael destined to lead a life of crime?

I've argued many times that Michael had choices at each and every crossroads in his life. He chose the criminal path every time. The shooting of his father impelled him to start on his life of crime by killing Mac and Sol. It did not compel him to kill them. He was not "forced" to protect Vito by killing them.

If Vito hadn't been shot, if the peaceful status quo prevailed, Vito lived a long life, and Sonny lived to succeed him, Michael probably would have married Ky, had kids, graduated from college, chosen a non-criminal career (law, teaching, perhaps) and generally kept at arm's length from his family. His criminal tendencies may have remained dormant for the rest of his life. But, Vito's shooting ignited the lust for power that was deep inside Michael. I don't think he relished violence, but he never shied away from it in pursuit of the power that led him down the criminal path. The personal tragedy of Michael's life was his obsession with legitimizing his criminal activities--he never accepted the reality that he was a criminal. It tormented him and made him live a life of lies for himself, his wife and his children.

Ntra la porta tua lu sangu � sparsu,
E nun me mporta si ce muoru accisu...
E s'iddu muoru e vaju mparadisu
Si nun ce truovo a ttia, mancu ce trasu.