Thank you
I read that

Obviously as we have stated the reason why the Musitano’s are no more is because the Rizzutto’s are no more.

Are they even considered a family today?

For as smart and as powerful as they were they never seen this coming.
They were not prepared for this.

The son that is at the head today.
He wasn’t even in the life.

I still don’t know why he is in the life
If the stories about their wealth are true

Why when in a landscape where you will be killed at the drop of dime.
Anyone kills anyone it looks like.

It makes no sense.

Say what you want when LCN, was at its height
The commission made the rules to preserve itself


Once your made only a boss can order you dead.

Associates are not allowed to raise their hands to made men.

The Hierarchy in place if they were knocked out

You had members below waiting to take the reins.

The Rizzutto’s didn’t really survive one coup attempt.

Without Vito it collapsed.

Who did Vito see as his successor his son Nick?
Couldn’t be…

He wasn’t cut from the same cloth as his father.