First time author and one of my favorite political commentators, Candace Owens delivers her Blexit movement from the Democratic party by advertising the books tagline as "how black America can make its second escape from the Democrat plantation." The book is a quick read with 11 chapters and 269 pages. However, while not overstaying her welcome with fluff, Candace gets to the heart of the matter by questioning the black communities undying support for Democratic leaders. Written prior to the 2020 election as a thought provoking book for black voters that is still very much relevant today with the November mid-term elections quickly approaching. Candace poses the question from a variety of different angles with the chapters tackling issues such as conservatism, family, feminism, overcivilization, socialism and government handouts, education, media, excuses, faith, culture, and finally slavery. She also brings her own experience to the table as prior to only a few years ago, Candace was a Democrat voter herself. This is an honest and at times, difficult conversation Candace has with the reader. Holding a mirror up and asking the reader to engage in self-reflection. Overall, I was excited to read this and I did enjoy it, just not as much as I was hoping to. Candace is very well spoken, educated, and makes valid points. Those alone are worth reading this.

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