Originally Posted by Evita

Here's the thing Roth didn't have to make the Donship happen, obviously he can't but that was never his intention, of course if that did happen, he would have Don Fredo [albeit Roth's puppet]

All Roth wanted was Michael dead exactly what he set out to do and his job done
He goes back to living his retired investor on a pension exactly as he planned


Yes, Roth's primary goal for the Tahoe attack was to get rid of Michael, who'd been horning in on his gaming empire ever since he returned from Sicily, and to blame it on Pentangeli. Secondarily, chaos would have ensued among the Corleone survivors--all of it to Roth's advantage. If Pentangeli were killed in revenge, or took it on the lam, the Corleones' NYC muscle would have fallen to the Rosatos, Roth's allies. A power struggle among Rocco, Neri and Fredo would have distracted and weakened the Corleones in Nevada. And even in the unlikely event that Fredo won, his coglioni would be forever in Roth's pocket.

Ntra la porta tua lu sangu � sparsu,
E nun me mporta si ce muoru accisu...
E s'iddu muoru e vaju mparadisu
Si nun ce truovo a ttia, mancu ce trasu.