and on the scoppa book after finishing the tiny barely 250 pg. book i was pissed.
i thought for sure it would be full of revelations about a long timeline in crime by a high level mafia operator.
it wasn't exactly that.
parts were articles long discussed on this forum and pulled directly from the archives of the authors or there quebec press colleagues.
many on here have read posted and dissected them ad nauseam...i guess for the unacquainted on the subject they may have been useful but for a longtime researcher and mafia buff absolutely pointless. another pointless subject the bowel afflictions of mr.scoppa who cares.

however it did shed some light on the cutthroat world that is the mafia in MTL.
if we are to believe scoppas confessions about a laundry list of murders committed in the melieu many did not happen because of long seething vendettas or a media driven narrative about the sicilian vs. calabrian nonsense. the majority of these murders were simply over money and territory.

for those who have not or will not read the book feel free to ask some questions. there can be many on a wide range of topics.
i went back over and pulled some notes as frustratingly there was no index.
ask on spoiler alert......the scoppa bros didnt make it.