Some of ya’ll read my post about the mafia and cosa nostra. And thanks yall for all youre answers.

But by reading about the history of the mafia, cosa nostra and camorra in the US. I was wondering many things, and I hope ya’ll could explain me some of those things.

So…we know, when the Mafia came to the US, the mafia was strickly an sicilian thing. You had to be sicilian to be a member of the mafia.
There was also the Camorra present in the borough of Brooklyn. And the Mafia and Camorra had a war from 1915 to 1917, which the mafia won.

Then I read more, and saw that Al Capone and Vito Genovese were not Sicilians… Al Capone was born in Brooklyn from parents from Angri, a commune outside of Naples. And Vito Genovese was born in Tufino near Naples. *** Vito Genovese was close with many members of the Camorra of Brooklyn, but I don’t know if he was a member of the Camorra (maybe one of ya’ll got something for this matter)

So, I was wondering, were Al Capone and Vito Genovese were made men of the Mafia ? Or were they only what you would called italian gangsters ?
And when Lucky Luciano won the Castellammarese War, Al Capone and Vito Genovese could become made men of this new organization, the US cosa nostra ?
I guess, Vito Genovese became a made guy, since he was the boss of the Family, and the family got his name. But, was he a made guy before the Castellammarese War? And if no, could he had been made in the mafia? Even if he’s not sicilian ?

I read somehwere that Al Capone didn’t really like the mafia, the sicilians and they way of revenge. Like the sicilian took the revenge thing too seriously, like wanting to kill a guy for revenge, because the guy killed the grandfather of the wife of youre cousin in Sicily….. the words of a sicilian never forget….that shit real lolll.

- al capone and genovese were made guy in the US cosa nostra ?
- could they had been made guys in the mafia before Castellammarese War ?

Also,after the Castellammarese War, the sicilian thing didn’t matter anymore, you had to be italian. Thats one of the reason I think the mafia and cosa nostra is two different organizations, with many thing in common, and with time, the two word merge for the two groups, those in sicily, and those in the US.

I read that made guys from Sicily could become made guy in the US and vice versa. But, this person had to be sicilian ? For exemple, John Gotti, his family came from a place near Naples, so he was not Sicilian, could he had been made in a Mafia family from Sicily also ?