Forgive me Godfather....

At the Peace meeting
Barzini: It's not like the Old Days -- when we can do anything we want

AC/DC Long way to the Top
I find this, in my view - feel good - video clip filmed over 46 years ago 23 February 1976 fascinating that 5 band members and 3 bagpipers in their full ceremonial regalia [total 8] with their equipment, Drum set etc. performing - jumping, dancing and blasting away - on a very slow moving [cameramen on foot filming] compact, open [no safety rails] flat-bed truck, driving down a Main Street in Melbourne City, Australia on a Monday with such minimal fuss

Nowadays, it would be even more of an impossibility than Kay getting the children or Michael's “legitimacy” to stage something like this – Red tape, Bureaucracy, Occupational, Health and Safety [OH&S] Security, Road rage....what have you

Barzini was right “Times have changed” Those were the days!

I'd check out the newer bands you mentioned You are better informed than me!