Son of the chieftain killed in the disco, Casalesi bosses condemned
editorial board
June 3, 2022

The Gup of the Court of Naples , Giovanni De Angelis, sentenced the bosses Michele Zagaria and Vincenzo Schiavone known as Petillo to 30 years in prison, at the end of the shortened rite . The two bosses were accused of the murder of Michele Della Gatta, an element of the clan killed in a beach in Castel Volturno in 1999.

The judge also inflicted 10 years and eight months on Antonio Iovine, known as “o ninno”, a former boss of the Casalesi family who became a collaborator of justice. For almost 20 years, the perpetrators and perpetrators of the crime had never been discovered, so much so that the first investigation by the District Anti-Mafia Directorate of Naples , activated after the murder, had ended with an archiving.

Then important clan justice collaborators, first of all Nicola Schiavone, eldest son of the Casalesi chief Francesco Sandokan Schiavone , and therefore Antonio Iovine himself , began to talk about the Della Gatta crime, opening up new scenarios. It emerged that Zagaria and precisely Iovine were the instigators of the crime, while Vincenzo Schiavone was the material perpetrator, and that the crime, which took place on June 5, 1999, would be closely connected to another bloody event that occurred three months earlier, on March 19. of the same year, or that of Carlo Amato , son of the boss Salvatore Amato , who then controlled the city ofSanta Maria Capua Vetere .

Beaten and stabbed
Carlo Amato, who emerged from the immediate investigations of the DDA, was beaten and fatally stabbed by Della Gatta , then a member of the Schiavone family, in a disco in Santa Maria. The party was organized by the then 18-year-old Walter Schiavone , son of Sandokan, who was present.

It seems that Carlo had offended Walter Schiavone and his brother Nicola, for which Della Gatta reacted by beating and killing Amato. The latter's father then wanted to take revenge by hitting one of Sandokan's sons, so the clan bosses, to avoid bloody revenge and therefore a probable feud, decided to kill Della Gatta .

"The king is dead, long live the king!"