Originally Posted by RushStreet
If you have the privilege of being invited into a current mob social club that has been around for decades, you know for a fact that you are standing inside a place where some bad shit went down over the years.

Some still exist and some do not such as the Gemini. Anyone here know of the ones still in existence in New York that were around 30-40 years ago? I would imagine there has to be one still standing and in operation even though the days of murders and mayhem taking place inside are more than likely over. Just a place where connected guys go to be left alone and live out their golden years to socialize and have some drinks together.

The back of that bar was an exception, few clubs had acts committed in them, Gravano's was one place where killing took place. For the most part any "Murder and Mayhem" took place on the streets or isolated areas. There was lily planning of a lot of killings in certain clubs.