‘Very angry’: Uvalde locals grapple with the Police Chief of the 'school district' Pete Arredondo

The blame for an excruciating delay in killing the gunman at a Texas elementary school — even as parents outside begged police to rush in and panicked children called 911 from inside — has been placed with the school district’s homegrown police chief.

The 50-year-old Arredondo has spent much of a nearly 30-year career in law enforcement in Uvalde, returning in 2020 to take the head police job at the school district.

Arredondo, who grew up in Uvalde and graduated from high school here, was set to be sworn in Tuesday to his new spot on the City Council after being elected earlier this month...



Will this be treated as another "Mass Shooting" by the MSM, with interviews and pictures, and the outrage???


"It's nothing personal, Sonny....... It's strictly business."